For individual investors

The goal is to support people’s safe and secure lives and help all people live better lives. Takaoka Toko is committed to conducting its business activities in liaison with its individual investors.

Stock quotation

Please use the following link
for information about our stock.

About Takaoka Toko

Strengths of Takaoka Toko

Reasons why Takaoka Toko is chosen

Here are the strengths based on which Takaoka Toko, a power infrastructure supporter, continues to be chosen.

Takaoka Toko at a glance

Takaoka Toko described by numerical data

You can see Takaoka Toko’s numerical data such as gender and age breakdowns here.

Takaoka Toko’s performance data and investment benefits

Business performance

Financial/Performance data

Investment benefits

Participate in management

Shareholders can attend the annual general meeting of shareholders of Takaoka Toko held in June, and take part in corporate management by exercising their voting rights on important resolution matters.

Receive dividends

Shareholders can receive dividends according to the number of shares they own. Dividends are paid twice a year—mid-term and term-end.

How to buy shares

1.Open an account at a securities company.

To buy our shares, first, you need to open an account at a securities company. For more information, contact a local securities company or an Internet-based securities company.

* Note that Takaoka Toko is unable take orders for the purchase of its shares or to carry out the necessary procedures. Also, you are responsible for your own decision in buying the shares.

2.Deposit money into your securities account and buy the shares.

Deposit the required amount of money to buy the shares into your account at your securities company, and buy the shares through the securities company.
Takaoka Toko’s shares are traded on the Prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. (Securities code: 6617)
The company’s shares are traded in units of 100 shares. Accordingly, the minimum amount of money required to buy its shares is 100 times the current share price.

* In addition, you will need to pay the securities company the necessary brokerage commission.
